Four Ways You Can Celebrate Every Stage of Your Family


One thing I learned almost immediately when I became a parent is that time flies by way too fast. I couldn’t believe how quickly my baby was changing, and I wanted to remember every last detail about the precious stage of life we were in. This only becomes more and more true as my family gets older.

Looking back, your kids may not remember the exact activities you plan, but they won’t forget the effort put into helping them live a full and happy life.

Every family is different, but one way to remember and prioritize the fun parts of every phase of your child’s life is by intentionally celebrating the fun things that come with every age. This can be done in big or small ways, whether it’s a themed dinner or a big family trip. You get to decide what kinds of activities work best for your unique family– it might be different for everyone!

I’ve come up with a few ideas to get you started thinking in the right direction. These things may require some planning ahead, but it will be so worth it.

Treat Your Child to a Celebration Session

It’s so important to document your kid's childhood milestones, and professional photos are a beautiful way to do that. Let’s set up a time for you and your child to come into the studio for a special occasion shoot, whether it’s for portraits of them with their favorite things or some candid shots of you together. Don’t forget to display the photos throughout your house in a place where your family can see them regularly.

Initiate Simple Traditions and Rituals

One thing that is so fun about young kids is that they love having something to look forward to, regardless of how simple it is. Incorporate simple traditions into your schedule and think of small ways to make it special for your little ones. This could include things like fancy cups at dinnertime, making a favorite treat together, or family movie nights. 

Create Family Photo Albums

Gallery walls and framed photos are perfect for a handful of your favorite family photos, but what about all those adorable iPhone shots from your most recent family trip? A great solution for this is family photo albums. The best part about this is you can add as few or as many pictures as you want, and your kids will have a fun collection of photos to look at as they grow up.

Go on Regular Family Outings

While a big trip every once in a while is so rewarding, simple family outings around your city can be just as fun and unifying. Come up with a few age-appropriate events or activities to attend and make it a habit. Think about things like story time at your local library, attending a sporting event, or exploring a new park. It doesn’t have to be extravagant to be memorable!

Choosing and planning fun outings and activities for your family is fun, but the most important part is spending quality time with your kids (and documenting it for them to remember later). Celebrating every stage of family life doesn’t require a cake and candles, it’s about enjoying the unique aspects of each family member.

You’ll never regret the intentional time you invest into the happiness and well-being of your kids' lives. It goes by in a flash, but it can be joyful every step of the way.

Studio portrait of two toddlers sitting in chairs during family photoshoot with Nicole Hawkins, Northern New Jersey Photographer. Family photo toddler pose ideas #EssexCountyFamilyPhotographer #NorthernNewJerseyFamilyPhotographer
Sibling photo of brother and sister laughing in family portrait session with Nicole Hawkins Photography. Brother and sister portrait pose ideas family photo pose ideas #ManhattanFamilyPhotographer #NorthernNewJerseyFamilyPhotographer

Nicole Hawkins